Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana

Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana
Logansport Indiana 1890s, West towards markets owned by our Great-great grandfather Gilbert Rice and his brothers Elihu and Benjamin

Why this blog?

Numerous hours each day are spent at my computer researching and writing about the Leslie F. Rice family, reaching back to 1630, through the years, and into this century. However, and unfortunately, I spend more time on the research side of things, and less on the writing. The result is the discovery of capsules of info which are informative, and often quite fascinating, but which remain with me and are not passed on to The Rice Kids. Some of whom might find these interesting, maybe even exciting.

The intention of this website is thus to release these bits of info as I discover them so as to allow others to participate in my encounters.

Another intention with this website is to allow for, and even create, a communicative process in which interested individuals can interact with me. Criticizing, idea thinking, questioning, and contributing in such a way that this website can be a source of information for enlightenment all of The Rice Kids….. whether they need it or not. :-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who was Rose Hefty Rice?

My first entries on The Rice Kids webpage will be items concerning Rose Hefty Rice. These contributions are my first and, therefore, the language might not flow, the orthographics and grammar might not always be correct, but the intention is to excite the readers with tidbits of information as they become available to me. These articles are preparations for future books on the same subjects, in this case, Rose Rice. Goodness, Rose Rice.... sounds like a movie star! She could have signed documents using RR.  But, I have not as of yet found any evidence of her doing so. (If it had been me, I would have engraved RR in large letters - very large letters - on my tombstone!)

I also need time and experience in managing this webpage.  Maybe I’ll add more color. And pictures.  I will absolutely need to learn to add pictures. And again, contributions in the form of words, ideas, photographs, are always welcomed.

Rose Hefty Rice and Francis Jay Rice were my great-grandparents, that is, their son, Leslie Francis Rice, better known to us as Leslie F. Rice, was Granddad. 

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