Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana

Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana
Logansport Indiana 1890s, West towards markets owned by our Great-great grandfather Gilbert Rice and his brothers Elihu and Benjamin

Why this blog?

Numerous hours each day are spent at my computer researching and writing about the Leslie F. Rice family, reaching back to 1630, through the years, and into this century. However, and unfortunately, I spend more time on the research side of things, and less on the writing. The result is the discovery of capsules of info which are informative, and often quite fascinating, but which remain with me and are not passed on to The Rice Kids. Some of whom might find these interesting, maybe even exciting.

The intention of this website is thus to release these bits of info as I discover them so as to allow others to participate in my encounters.

Another intention with this website is to allow for, and even create, a communicative process in which interested individuals can interact with me. Criticizing, idea thinking, questioning, and contributing in such a way that this website can be a source of information for enlightenment all of The Rice Kids….. whether they need it or not. :-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who are the Rice Kids?

The “Rice Kids” are an exclusive assemblage of individuals who consider themselves related to Leslie Francis Rice and Grace Lora (Rich) Rice, albeit legal or emotive bonding, or through just plain interest. The following is a list is of the five children of Leslie and Grace. The other proud members of the Rice family are their grandchildren, and, of course, this group of unique individuals expands to both twofold and threefold when including the third and future generations, as well as spouses, which would be the only right and proper thing to eventually do.

Dorothy Frances Rice                      1915 – 1992
            Lora Merle                             1948    Kent, Washington
            Richard Gorden                      1953    Seattle, Washington

Franklin Jay Rice                            1918 – 1979
            Constance Adell                    1944    Ft. Pierce, Florida
            Jason Alan                             1960   
Champaign, Illinois

Virginia Elizabeth Rice                   1920 – 1999
            Norman Warren                     1942    Fjerdingby, Norway
            Noreen Francis                      1944    On the road

Mildred Rose Rice                          1923 – 2011
            Mary Anne                             1951    Jamestown, North Dakota
            Jane Marie                             1953    Minneapolis, Minnesota
            Joseph Mark                          1955    Mandan, North Dakota
            Steven Thomas                       1958    St. Paul, Minnesota

Lawrence Merle Rice                      1927 – 1975
            Dorian Lee                             1950    Boise, Idaho
Josette Leslie                          1953    San Diego, California
            Kerry Martin                          1954    Bellingham, Washington
            David Trent                            1957
            Kandi Lynell                           1960    Minden, Nevada

Other dear members of the Rice Kids by close relationships
Joe Ebertz (1923), married to Mildred. Current residence is Jamestown, North Dakota
One can very likely find errors on this list. Maybe names are misspelled, locations wrong, or dates incomplete. However, I will in all solidarity make whatever corrections you as readers make me aware of. Undoubtedly some of you might already be thinking: Dosn’t he ever get this right?”

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