Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana

Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana
Logansport Indiana 1890s, West towards markets owned by our Great-great grandfather Gilbert Rice and his brothers Elihu and Benjamin

Why this blog?

Numerous hours each day are spent at my computer researching and writing about the Leslie F. Rice family, reaching back to 1630, through the years, and into this century. However, and unfortunately, I spend more time on the research side of things, and less on the writing. The result is the discovery of capsules of info which are informative, and often quite fascinating, but which remain with me and are not passed on to The Rice Kids. Some of whom might find these interesting, maybe even exciting.

The intention of this website is thus to release these bits of info as I discover them so as to allow others to participate in my encounters.

Another intention with this website is to allow for, and even create, a communicative process in which interested individuals can interact with me. Criticizing, idea thinking, questioning, and contributing in such a way that this website can be a source of information for enlightenment all of The Rice Kids….. whether they need it or not. :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Autobiography by Rose Hefty Rice

This autobiography written by Rose Rice, is typed. Did she do the actual typing or was this copied from a handwritten manuscript, this I do not know. We do know that Francis, her husband, was a minister and a man of many words, both spoken and written. In addition to his sermons, he wrote numerous articles and stories which he often submitted to newspapers for publication.  I have not researched this further to know if some were actually published. The point here is that in his later years he used almost entirely the typewriter in his work. This would mean that a typewriter was in frequent use at the house and thus available and not foreign to Rose.  The two typewritten pages in my possession are originals, that is, not photo copies. I have not been able to find any handwritten manuscripts of this same autobiography. Therefore, by conjecture we can probably assume that Rose herself typed this autobiography as you see it on this blog.  The two pages were found among the possessions of her son, Leslie, upon his death in 1965.  If in fact Rose did type her autobiography, one cannot help but to be impressed by her writing abilities. There are very few errors of any kind and no corrections were made on the typed document.

Francis was obviously an enthusiastic writer and collector of written documents. He encouraged both his mother and his wife to write their own life histories of which both did. He himself wrote at least two different autobiographies which will in time and sunder all appear on this blog.

Rose wrote her autobiography nearly a year to the date after Francis’ death on March 27 of 1936 and five years before her own death on March 6, 1942.  

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