Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana

Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana
Logansport Indiana 1890s, West towards markets owned by our Great-great grandfather Gilbert Rice and his brothers Elihu and Benjamin

Why this blog?

Numerous hours each day are spent at my computer researching and writing about the Leslie F. Rice family, reaching back to 1630, through the years, and into this century. However, and unfortunately, I spend more time on the research side of things, and less on the writing. The result is the discovery of capsules of info which are informative, and often quite fascinating, but which remain with me and are not passed on to The Rice Kids. Some of whom might find these interesting, maybe even exciting.

The intention of this website is thus to release these bits of info as I discover them so as to allow others to participate in my encounters.

Another intention with this website is to allow for, and even create, a communicative process in which interested individuals can interact with me. Criticizing, idea thinking, questioning, and contributing in such a way that this website can be a source of information for enlightenment all of The Rice Kids….. whether they need it or not. :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Comments regarding Aunt Marcy

I posted pictures and text about Aunt Marcy on June 11, and since then I have received several comments which might be of interest to The Rice Kids. The following have come from my sister.

I am so sorry she missed seeing Mom as Mom would very much have liked to have seen her.   I know Marcy and Mom and Wayne exchanged Christmas cards for a number of years, then somehow lost contact.  Mom spoke well of her and often wondered how the kids were doing.
Oh my, and the rocking chair (in the picture) is the one from Granddad that we had in our house. In fact, it is now in my son John's house in Minneapolis. He is saving it for us for when (if?) we decide to stop traveling in the fifth wheel. So I expect this photo was taken in Mott? Is that right, Norm?

(My comment: yes, the photo was taken in our backyard in Mott at Granddad’s house (the driveway went all the way through from the front street to the alley in back).  Dorian is sitting in his mother’s lap. His dad Larry is apparently packing the car.  The curious sweet six year old is Noreen.)

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