Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana

Market Street 1890, Logansport, Indiana
Logansport Indiana 1890s, West towards markets owned by our Great-great grandfather Gilbert Rice and his brothers Elihu and Benjamin

Why this blog?

Numerous hours each day are spent at my computer researching and writing about the Leslie F. Rice family, reaching back to 1630, through the years, and into this century. However, and unfortunately, I spend more time on the research side of things, and less on the writing. The result is the discovery of capsules of info which are informative, and often quite fascinating, but which remain with me and are not passed on to The Rice Kids. Some of whom might find these interesting, maybe even exciting.

The intention of this website is thus to release these bits of info as I discover them so as to allow others to participate in my encounters.

Another intention with this website is to allow for, and even create, a communicative process in which interested individuals can interact with me. Criticizing, idea thinking, questioning, and contributing in such a way that this website can be a source of information for enlightenment all of The Rice Kids….. whether they need it or not. :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to comment or reply

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  1. Hi, Norm,
    Your info on the Heiz family is GREAT! I am related to Maria Heiz (she was my great great grandmother) and have had much trouble getting information because the spelling of her name varies so much. You may know this, but Schneider Balthesar Heiz (and Balthesar, Jr., Catharine, and Maria) is in the 1860 US Census for New Glarus, WI--name spelled "Baltzar Heie." It then looks like he was drafted into the Civil War June of 1863 (with a relation--"Paul," 5 years older). I see Maria living near Jac Hefty in the 1870 Census (with a family named "Elmen?"). Maria was married in 1874/75 in Wisconsin, but I don't know precisely where. By 1880, she was in Monroe, WI. I also had (from a family bible) that Schneider Balthesar Heiz' parents' names were Balthasar Heiz and Rosina Schindler (but I don't have any info on them). Again, THANK YOU for this posting! (I hadn't known Schneider Balthesar Heiz' first name was "Schneider," for instance--I just had him as "Balthesar.") --Julie

  2. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for commenting this blog and for contributing to our knowledge of the Heiz family. But even more so, it’s exciting to be introduced to a new family member. If my calculations are correct, you are my third cousin once removed, and you have 14 other (“three and half”) cousins (on the Rice side) who would certainly enjoy hearing more about you.
    1st Generation Schneider Balthesar Heiz ___ Anne Marie Vogeli
    2nd Generation Rosaline Heiz ( my great grandmother) Maria Heiz (Julia’s great great grandmother
    3rd Generation Leslie Rice (my grandfather) Julia’s great grandparents
    4th Generation Virginia Rice (my mother) Julia’s grandparents
    5th Generation Norman Mills Julia’s parents
    6th Generation Julia

    You are quite correct in regard to the spelling of names. Balthesar appears also as Baltassar, Baltzar, and Baltezar. Heiz appears sometimes as Heits, and Heitz. This was, on occasion, the result of officials making mistakes on census forms, land records, etc.
    I have done very little research on the Heiz family, concentrating my efforts on the Rice family, thus whatever info you have concerning this Swiss family is of great interest. I do have additional info which might be of interest to you (some letters, some pictures), and would like to have email contact with you if that is possible. Would you contact me through
    such that we can share information? It would be greatly appreciated.
    If possible, I will be visiting New Glarus, Wisconsin (Maria’s and Rosaline’s birthplace) sometime during the summer of 2013.

